Tuesday, December 11, 2012

To me this chess board actually look pretty realistic because the white peices have that defining shadow and the outline in black, it just looks really cool. I feel pretty succesfull because i kept attempting at the chess pieces because it was hard drawing them to look proper  because4 the3y had to stretch pass some squares. The projecty worked out pretty well the squares worked out but the black pieces didnt turn out too well. I dont know i just think the tan looked a lot better because of the outline and the shadows. The most difficult part in doing this piece was drawing each individual chess piece to look sort of 3D. I learned a lot from this piece but mostly i finaly learned how to draw chess peices because before i never could draw them.

Monday, November 19, 2012

anamorgifhhahsshdfjss picture

Anamorphosis Critique

Word Bank: Use these vocabulary words in your responses. Please underline or make letters bold when you use them. 

Grid       colored pencils anamorphosis                 photoshop        transform         scale
Perspective      shadows             value                    

1. Describe the process you went through to change your object into the correct perspective to create the drawing. This is when you were in the lab.
We first put a grid on a picture we printed out and then translated that over onto paper with another girid and we drew the picture part in each of the boxes.
2. How did distorting and stretching the object allow for you to create a drawing that would look different to the viewer?
It makes it so that when you were in photoshop you had to stretch the original picture to make it look 3D when you put in on the grid. then you need ed to have a shadow on there which i seem to have forgotten....
3. What were the most important concepts in the project to make it successful?
A distorted image from photoshop perspective shadows and value are the  most important concepts; to make this project succesful
Famous Landmark or Transportation Stencil Critique

Word Bank: Use these vocabulary words in your responses. Please underline or make letters bold when you use them. 

Stencil                 Spray Paint       Xacto Knife        Positive/Negative Space
Composition    Collage                Photoshop        Threshold              Contrast

1. Explain how you changed your photo in the lab to create a stencil.
When we were in the lab we had to put our photo on a projector and trace it on the wall with a pencil. this creates a stencil
2. When creating the collage background explain your choices of colors, materials (magazine paper, books pages, etc), and placement. How does it relate to your topic? If no relation discuss general idea.
What i did was I glued paper from this weird mythological booka and i got different monsters in the back rounnd and generally there were lots of patterns in the backround just to make the picture seem eerie. there was a contrast from the building which is white to the backround which is black.
3. Discuss the way positive and negative space was used to create your stencil.
I used the xacto knife to cut out all the windows and the out line of the tower. and then i spray painted it with the stencil on a paper then it turned out to be the picture i have now
4. When using the xacto knife, explain the safety procedures, how to use the knife and any challenges you had to overcome while cutting.
Dont cut your self and cut with a board under the paper. it was hard to cut  out the windows because they were circular
5. How was your experience with the spray paint? Discuss how color choice is important, placement of stencil, and any other concepts you noticed while creating this. 
I spray painted the negative space black, to make it seem like night and all. and then i sort of kept the the rest white and then painted it with orange and yellow to tget the efect of fire burning the building.

Monday, October 29, 2012


For my two wonderful peices of art, wolfee III and saytin wolff. My prints show texture and contrast by how i put lines on the back of the wolf to show fur and how i made diagonal lines to show the back round. I made the positive space the furr on the wolf and also the backround lines. The negative wwas the other parts of the wolf and surroundings. I would say that the project is averagely crafted. It looks nice but definately not nice enough to be sold or called a "masterpiece". I believe i showed a bit of depth by adding the lines in the backround other wise the picture doest not depict much depth. with print makeing the obstacle was when i printed it down the picture was mirrored and it looked much different than the original. the good side was that i didnt have to individually paint each line because the printing paint took care of it at once.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Chalkkkk muralllls

This project was very different then what i usually do in art--single person projects--but with this project I was able to work in a team and it was actually quite fun. We all did something to contribute to the mural, wheter it was drawing bushes or shading a questionmark or even doing the best we could to make sure the pipe wasnt a complete disaster. The green pipe was the hardest to do in this picture because there was an inconvienience of no green chalk after we had started it.
It is very important to collaborate and communicate with youre teammates because otherwise you would have totally different ideas on the project. Like us, we all communicated and decided on one idea and what elements would be in it. So it worked out pretty well
This project was an okay succesful project but there wasnt enough chalk and almost a week later half of our mural is already gone. We also wanted to put a blue sky behind it but we didnt have enough chalk or time. it did turn out basicaly how we wanted it though.
It makes me feel good when i see people taking pictures with my artwork because that means it was good enough to have them modeled in it. The whole school has a chance to take pictures with any mural they want which i think is a pretty good feeling.

Friday, September 21, 2012

The value drawing

Well i traced on the photo of his face and drawing all the different light shapes that there were. Then i transfered the rough copy of it onto my sketchbook paper this is where i started shading in the darker shapes and also making it not obvious that shapes were there. It was pretty hard to shade his chin area and his forhead for some reason. I then used a charcoal stick to color in his hair and to give it a complete and dark effect. i probably could have worked on this picturea  bit more though.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Painting with moss?

Mr.Sands made moss with this special formula and it smelled pretty gross. although it looked worse. it was fun to paint with though because it made it a little harder because you had to keep dipping the paintbrush because it ran out of moss a lot.

These were the ingredients he used in making the moss we painted with. and mr sans made it very clear not to eat buttermilk  because its not made to be food. and it smelled really bad

the face i painted. I thought it actually didnt look very
good but i could have spent more time on it.The project worked pretty well with having the moss but the moss didnt grow and it eventually came off during the rain. If we were doing the project over again i would consider doing it in an easier acces place with a bigger wall and alot more moss. I learned that you can paint or color with any thing. and it doesnt have to be paint.

we were all painting on the wall but i think it washed away in the storm.


This is the skeleton of the famous nintendo character Mario who is in like every game. As you can see he has bones in his mustache, eyebrows and ears. Marios hands are indeed bigger than his feet because he tends to use them more often while driving, or punching characters in some of his video games.
This picture is mario, when he actually has flesh, eyes and clothes. Mario is actually itallian but you can easily tell by his mustache which believ it or not has bones in it. Mario has the classic overall jeans with giant shoes because his feet are rather big and his toes are pretty fat. This is actually a picture taken from the game mario super smash bros. 

I Think this peice turned out very good and i spent about the whole period on it anyway. I was erasing non stop and kept on drawing. I think this peice was pretty succesfull because i did work very hard on it. The most difficult part of this project for me was the hand (the left one). It had an awkward position and i had trouble doing the finger bones. I learned that can you be creative with whatever you do even when its supposed to look like something or be the human body skeleton.